Over forty Years in Ministry

Roxanne's newest book was released recently. Read along and experience the multi facets of deep faith. This book will change your life and destiny.

What We Believe:
- Our corner stone and Theological foundation presupposes that God is good, loving and accessible in Jesus Christ.
- All Scripture was/is divinely inspired and is final authority in all things.
- There is one God manifested in three personalities, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- The reality of Satan and his power over unregenerate man.
- The deity of Jesus Christ eternally existing with God and manifested in the flesh.
- The fall of man into a sinful state which necessitates spiritual rebirth.
- The reconciliation of man to God through the substitutionary death of Jesus.
- The resurrection of believers and unbelievers to everlasting life or punishment.
- The present-day supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit.
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the gift of a prayer language and supernatural empowerment.
- The believers’ redemption from the “curse of sin” poverty, sickness, spiritual death.